How We Review

As an independent consumer portal we have one goal – to make your personal purchase decision easier by providing you with detailed and competent advice.

Our editorial team consists of experienced journalists and consultants who know and understand trend developments, technological innovations and consumer needs.

In order to present you with the best products in terms of quality and price-performance ratio, we research the market and identify the largest market leaders, as well as small up-and-coming manufacturers.

We finance our technology and staff solely through advertising revenue and recommendation marketing.

Depending on the market segment, subject complexity and consumer interest, the selected products are subjected to one of the following evaluation procedures.

Evaluation procedure 1: Detailed Test

We test extensively and on site. In practical tests, our editors work with experts to test the quality, user-friendliness and resilience of a wide range of products according to a strict protocol. External testers and consultants are also consulted for technically complex issues. Products that have undergone extensive testing are marked with “Test” in the headline. In larger test series with comparable products, we also award one or more test winners – depending on the evaluation criteria.

Evaluation procedure 2: Expert assessment without product test

We provide an expert assessment. If the above-mentioned marking is missing in a product presentation, it is an expert assessment without own on-site testing. For this procedure we determine an objective assessment result in compliance with various purchase and evaluation criteria. To determine a fair assessment, extensive research is carried out by our editorial staff.

Part of this research is the direct comparison of technical data within an equivalent product group as well as the analysis of external studies, data and test reports from trade magazines. Current publications by independent market watchdogs such as consumer advice centrers are also taken into account.

Here is a selection of important criteria and parameters for our evaluation:

  • Technical features: How does the product compare to others?
  • Equipment: What are the product’s features?
  • Processing: Has the product been processed to a high standard?
  • Price: Is the price/performance ratio right?
  • Accessories: Is the product delivered including accessories?

Evaluation procedure 3: Objective advice with tips and instructions

We provide you with detailed and competent advice. Buying advice in the shop helps the consumer to make a sustainable and correct buying decision. With our free online purchasing advice, we would like to build on this and go even further. We provide you with detailed studies and comprehensible instructions. Furthermore, we explain the most important purchase criteria and consumer traps.

Our guidebook articles help you to make your own product evaluations. You learn:

  • What to look for when buying a product
  • How to avoid the most common mistakes in product selection
  • What weaknesses and strengths you must expect
  • When supposedly cheap products result in expensive follow-up costs
  • How to exchange spare parts and solve minor defects yourself

With this critical view and the focus on consumer requirements, we go beyond the usual sales talk in offline business.

What you can expect from us

  • Independence and objectivity
  • Experience and expertise
  • Actuality and overview

What you should not expect from us

We are not a shop and do not sell our own products. Also our opinion is not for sale. All evaluations and test judgements were created by our editors with extensive research, to the best of their knowledge and in compliance with strict test and comparison criteria.

But we are not flawless either. Should you discover a technical or content error on one of our advice or product pages, we would be pleased to receive a short message. We will immediately follow up your advice and correct the error.