Sewing Machines Buying Guide


Sewing machines buying advice

If you are interested in a sewing machine, you will surely have noticed that the choice in this area is very large. Hardly anybody knows from the beginning exactly which one is the right model and which one you should rather keep your hands off. Which sewing machine is the right one for you also depends on how often you want to use it and for you. The following sewing machine buying advice explains what you need to pay particular attention to if you want to find the perfect sewing machine for you.

Cheap or expensive?

The price is – not only for sewing machines – an essential purchase criterion that often gives the decisive impulse. Even if there is a savings fox slumbering in each of us, it is still worthwhile to dig a little deeper into your pocket when it comes to sewing machines. Cheap models available at discount stores, for example, often don’t last long and are more likely to cause frustration than sewing pleasure. Here, the saying is clearly true: if you buy cheap, you buy twice.

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Manual or computer controlled?

Most sewing machines currently available on the market are operated manually. This means that you have to set yourself which program and type of stitch is used. Manual sewing machines are the perfect beginner’s models and are also suitable for most sewers who already have advanced knowledge. Different machines cost between 60 and 200 Euros.

On the other hand there are modern sewing machines, which have a display and are controlled by computer. This equipment means that the sewing machine can be operated even faster and more precisely. Contrary to some fears, the user interface of most digital sewing machines is very simple. Accordingly, these machines are also suitable for sewing fans who do not have a pronounced affinity for technology. Digital sewing machines are of course more expensive than manual machines due to the technology used. The price segment starts at 200 Euro.

Simple work or up-and-coming designers?

If you can’t decide which sewing machine to get, it can also be very helpful to ask yourself what you want to do with it. Is it enough for you to sew simple cotton pillowcases or would you like to design your own collection? The answer to this question will bring you a whole lot closer to your dream sewing machine. Because: Not every machine is suitable for every job. While some machines can be described as basics, others are true high-tech models.

RELATED:  Xpassion Portable Hand Sewing Machine Review

Tip! In this context, always ask yourself which fabrics you want to process and how important different programs are to you. What is the point of having ten different types of stitches if you only use two of them?

Advantages and disadvantages of a sewing machine

  • ideal for own sewing projects and collections
  • huge choice of models
  • low-priced models are already available from 60 Euro
  • Machines from discounters are often less durable

How to find the perfect sewing machine for your needs

If you are looking for a suitable sewing machine for your project, it is worth asking the following questions?

pre-sales questions



How important are different programs to me?
How important are additional features like buttonhole function or quick threading function?
Will the sewing machine have a fixed location or is it transported frequently?
Should the sewing machine become a kind of “heirloom” or do I already know that it will not be the last?
Should the sewing machine also be able to embroider
Do I attach importance to well-known manufacturers such as AEG or Singer or can it also be a No Name model?
How important is a long-term guarantee for me?


Do I just want to try myself or develop a serious passion?
Which fabrics do I want to process?
Which stitch types do I want to use?

As you can see, there are many different aspects to buying a sewing machine, which all need to be well thought out. Even if it takes a little time, in the end it is extremely worthwhile to think about your choice thoroughly. In this way you can be sure that you will not regret your purchase afterwards.

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