Circle cutter Review & Comparison


Circle cutter – how you ensure precise cutting

Among friends of needlework, opinions sometimes differ quite widely as to which activities can be made easier by the use of aids. Purists swear by doing everything with their own hands without exception. Other, more result-oriented people, however, like to use equipment from manufacturers to make their work easy and, above all, to make things almost professional. At the latest when doing handicrafts and sewing, it becomes difficult at some point. Circular cutting work on fabric or cardboard can of course be done with a compass. However, recommends accessories such as a circle cutter in order to finish faster and achieve really good results.

Circular cutter test 2020

Even the working method can lead to the right product

The term circle cutter is also common for products from the circle cutter category, and the word circle puncher is just as familiar. In the latter case, the name already shows that the procedure can be a little different from that of a conventional cutter. First of all, a comparison shows that many products are offered by the manufacturers for different materials. Some models are used as circle cutters for fabric work.

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In other cases, circle cutters simplify the crafting of cardboard, plastic and paper in a considerable way, so that you need noticeably less time for the work. Other brands offer circle cutters that can cut sheet metal, plaster and other materials to the optimum size. A look at the reviews of circle cutters you can order suggests that sometimes it can be worthwhile to invest a little more when ordering from the online shop.

The experience reports of other handicraft and handwork fans confirm this once again. Some of the manufacturers of circle punches and circle cutters listed here you probably already know as professionals for other accessories:

  • Prym
  • Danube
  • Olfa
  • Stanley
  • Silverline
  • Wolfcraft
  • Fiskars

Many devices are real “multitaskers” as circular cutters

If you are one of the users who prefer to use products of a single brand when doing handicrafts or handicrafts, it often seems as if the purchase is done very quickly. But in fact, even then there is a lot to consider so that the desired work is done under the most perfect conditions possible. In comparison, it becomes clear that there are universal circular cutters with which you can basically cut almost any material. These models are especially useful for those consumers who have very different requirements and do not want to buy several circular cutters at once. Beyond the “all-in-one products” there are

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  • circle cutter for leather
  • Models for working with cardboard and paper
  • Plastic- plastic and plaster variants
  • Rubber circle puncher and much more

Year of foundation

Special features

Swabian family business
Creative retailers


Traditional company
Manufacturer of printing technology

affordable goods
large variety of cords

Advantages and disadvantages of a circular cutter

  • varied use
  • economical to buy
  • sharp knives

All freedom with the right circle cutter

An important criterion for the successful purchase of a circular cutter is the exact conditions under which it is operated. And the consideration of how large the circles to be cut also affects the selection in comparison. The maximum radius of the equipment varies quite considerably from case to case. As circular cutters are not only used for manual work, but also by craftsmen such as plumbers or electricians, the radius of action is extremely important as part of the test reports.

Inexpensive models are often made of plastic, but at the same time you have the opportunity to buy very robust metal products that have a long life expectancy. Important for many users is the possibility to cut the material freehand. This way, for example, templates or foils can be created in no time at all to design clothing and other items, without this procedure already leading to early signs of fatigue.

Tip! First and foremost, however, you will emphasize the precision factor in the circle cutter test. A good performance in this point of the circle cutters and circle punches is often only one side of the coin in test reports. The accessories are also important. Wherever cutting takes place, there is a risk of successive wear and tear of the products.


These and other points can be relevant for ordering:

  • Replacement Blades
  • Refills for supplied pencils
  • an underground protection
  • good legibility of the dimensions
  • a simple adjustment possibility of the desired dimensions
  • a reasonable range of the radius (many models offer highest flexibility)
  • a storage bag or box for storage

An indispensable tip for everyone who wants to process cardboard, fabric and other things with a circle cutter: Whenever sharp objects are used, you should remember to store them carefully and safely. Because of the risk of injury, the youngsters should not have easy access to the circle cutter.

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