Sewing Cushions Yourself – A Video Tutorial For Beginners On


Sewing cushions yourself – a video tutorial for beginners

For many Germans today it is very important that they design their own four walls as individually as possible. The perfect ambience also includes beautiful cushions. If you want to sew your cushions yourself, you don’t always have to have completed training as a dressmaker. If you are a bit handy and follow the instructions for sewing cushions, the first homemade cushion will be a piece of cake. So you can give free rein to your individuality and creativity, just try it out. The following video from buttinetteTV shows you step by step how to sew your own pillow. The more carefully you work, the more beautiful the result will be. The editors of wish you much success with your handicraft, because we also know: only practice makes perfect!

Our tips, so that the first self-stitched pillow also succeed

First of all, you have to choose the fabric from which your cushions will be made. Once the decision has been made, the next one is about to be made: How big should your pillows be? Once you are satisfied with your choice, you can start with the actual work. Now cut two fabrics to the appropriate size. But don’t forget to include seam allowances so that your pillow will not end up smaller than you intended. And don’t forget: Sewing your own pillow should be fun! If you have cut the fabric to size, the best way to trim the edges is to use a zig-zag stitch.

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Now the creative part follows. You can now decorate the fabrics that you have cut and trimmed as you wish. You can either use a border or a motif which you attach to one side of the cushion. There are no limits to your fantasies. Afterwards you have to sew in the zipper. This is not quite so easy, but if you have done it once, you will not forget it and you can use it in the future when sewing the pillow. Afterwards, lay the two fabrics on their right side, unzip them and sew both parts together. Little tip: To make the cushion fall better, cut the corners inside the cushion with scissors. Now all you have to do is turn the pillow over and fill it.

Preparatory steps
What is to be done?

Selection of substances
Lay out decoration and pattern fabrics ready


Selecting the size
Cutting fabrics to the appropriate size

Advantages and disadvantages of self-stitched cushions

  • own motives or designs possible
  • preferred fabrics selectable
  • Technology must be learned

Video instruction: Sewing cushions – how it works

This should not be forgotten when sewing cushions

In addition to the instructions for sewing the pillow, you will need a sewing machine, sewing thread, the fabric of your choice and possibly sample or decorative fabrics to design or decorate the pillow.

For the perfect ambience you only have to set the self sewn pillow in the right light. Correctly on

  • the sofa or
  • the bed

draped, the cushion gives the room its final finish.

Tip! So sewing cushions yourself is not only fun, but also rounds off your living room or bedroom with individual accessories and ensures a perfect living room climate.


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